Exploring Nadal

The following post features student writing. After a long week of birthdays, teaching, and construction, the students took a day off to explore the close-by town of Nadal. Upon arrival, half of the students set off on a scavenger hunt through the town, while the…

Rajasthani Dancing

The following post features student writing. Ram Ram! Today marked our tenth day in India. We made great progress on the construction project and saw considerable improvements in our time teaching in the classroom. We continued with our embroidery and tailoring projects in the afternoon…

A Fortress & a Birthday

The group had a wonderful excursion to a local fort, Kumbhalgarh, where we explored the fortress’ courtyards and marveled at the stunning views. Following the sightseeing, we celebrated Arianna’s 17th birthday with a pool party at a nearby resort—complete with a delicious chocolate cake. It…

Khamma Ghani

The following post features student writing. Khamma Ghani, Yet another greeting we have learned during our time in the village! Our second day in Kotri was nothing short of a success. The day started off with our now-usual routine of morning chai and of course…

Chai Time

The following post features student writing. Ram Ram!  This local greeting is just one of the countless things we have learned during our first day in Kotri.  Our day started off with an introduction to the projects we will be working on during our time in…

Ram Ram Kotri!

Ram Ram! (Hello) The travelers arrived safely in our host village, Kotri. We had an adventurous train ride from Delhi complete with visits from Hindu priests, conversations with locals, and garam chai (hot tea). The group was welcomed to our new home with flower garlands,…