The Blue City

The following post features student writing.

The following morning after our final goodbyes, the group finished packing and headed out on the final chapter of our trip. Our next stop was Jodhpur, named the Blue City for its blue houses that stretch across the landscape. We first ate lunch at a beautiful rooftop restaurant overlooking the blue houses and Mehrangarh fort, one of the largest forts in India.

After a delicious meal, the group got to explore the local open air market which featured an array of spices, perfumes, and jewelry. Then we drove up to Mehrangarh fort where we learned about its history and architecture and took in the breathtaking views of the Blue City.

After admiring the beautiful intricately carved designs throughout the walls of the fort, and the spectacular houses below, it was back on the road for six hours to Jaisalmer, the golden city.

– Heather